The site has moved to .
This domain has served me so many memories for such a time. I briefly started this site back in Febuary 2024 after i spent a night trying to make a cardd, frustrated with the very stingy limitations of moving boxes around. It wasnt intuitve or expansive at all.
I started with my first site version which can be found HERE. After I leartned how to make text, color it, make boxes and style them, I wanted to get a start on an actual page, and thats where I stumbled on 'SadGrl'.
I dont know when a coder claims their code as arguable original. It's all technically traced back to others. What I can say is to me it still feels like the very core of the website is a heavily modified version of Sadgrls template. So for her, I thank you so very much.
I'll continue writing this later -w-